Nittany Valley Wrangles to Perform in Lemont, PA!
This week’s concert on Friday, June 28, will feature the Nittany Valley Wranglers, a group of singers, guitarists, bassists, and rhythm players who will entertain you with bluegrass and lots of good music. Concerts take place on the Lemont Village Green and start at 7:30 pm.

- Photo courtesy of Lemont Village Green
Donations collected benefit the restoration of the train track side of the railroad building. Work is nearly finished, with the back exit bridge funding aided by a recent grant from the Happy Valley Adventure Bureau and Centre Gives donations.
If there is light rain – the concert is on, bring gear. If there is thunder and lightning, the concert will be moved to the Granary. PLEASE check the website: for updates!
ICE CREAM CONES BY THE SCOUTS OF TROOP 367 will be available starting at 7:00 pm, Donations to benefit Troop 367 are very welcome.
Picnics are welcome, please bring chairs or blankets!