Nittany Valley Wrangles to Perform in Lemont, PA!
This week’s concert on Friday, June 28, will feature the Nittany Valley Wranglers, a group of singers, guitarists, bassists, and rhythm players who will entertain you with bluegrass and lots of good music. Concerts take place on the Lemont Village Green and start at 7:30 pm.
Donations collected benefit the restoration of the train track side of the railroad building. Work is nearly finished, with the back exit bridge funding aided by a recent grant from the Happy Valley Adventure Bureau and Centre Gives donations.
If there is light rain – the concert is on, bring gear. If there is thunder and lightning, the concert will be moved to the Granary. PLEASE check the website: for updates!
ICE CREAM CONES BY THE SCOUTS OF TROOP 367 will be available starting at 7:00 pm, Donations to benefit Troop 367 are very welcome.
Picnics are welcome, please bring chairs or blankets!