Happy Valley Agventures

23 articles


Agventures Mid-Summer Bucket List

The days are long and the temperatures are warm, making it the perfect time to get outdoors and explore Centre County’s abundant agricultural offerings. This mid-summer bucket list will get you started, with many destinations part of the Fresh from the Field Trail.


Plan your summer 'agventures' in Happy Valley, PA

Now is a great time to make plans for summer 'agventures' in Happy Valley, PA. Whether it's planning a memorable event in an Amish built barn on a tranquil nature preserve, attending a family friendly on-the-farm event, or enjoying a delicious meal carefully prepared with ingredients from the field, you can find it in Happy Valley.

Pine Grove

Four stops for fall Agventures

The changing colors of the leaves, the crisp fall air and Penn State football are just a few of the many reasons that there is nothing like fall in Happy Valley, PA. Across the region, many local establishments make the most of local agriculture to create harvest-time menus, featuring one-of-a-kind entrees and seasonal craft cocktails.

Happy Valley Agventures

Local farms, Ag - Related Businesses Awarded Grants For Facility Improvements

State College, PA, May 23, 2022–Twenty-eight Centre County farms, farm stands and agricultural businesses were awarded grant funding for projects that will enhance the visitor/customer experience through facility improvements or help them prepare for visitors. The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau (HVAB) and the Chamber of Business & Industry of Centre County (CBICC) made the announcement Monday, May 23at a news conference at RE Farm Café at Windswept.

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at HappyValley.com/events