Lesley Kistner

Lesley Kistner

Public Affairs Director

A life-long Pennsylvania resident, Lesley enjoys cooking, history, sports and the outdoors. She likes capturing photos of Happy Valley's beautiful scenery, and of discoveries made while going off the beaten path to explore, particularly old homes, barns and churches. More than likely, Lesley's adventures and photos will find their way to the Dispatch!

58 articles

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Happy Valley Agventures

Fresh from the Field…even in winter

Welcome to January in Happy Valley, PA. It is too cold for things to grow outdoors, and Centre County’s farm fields are likely covered with snow. However, that is no reason to be stuck indoors with no place to go! The Happy Valley Agventures Fresh from the Field Trail makes it easy and fun to enjoy flavorful local, from-the-field products…even in winter.

Vintage halloween


Vintage Halloween finds and creepy collectibles in Happy Valley, PA

Both works of art and pieces of nostalgia, vintage Halloween decorations are on trend. Whether you are looking for that perfect piece to add to your existing collection, just getting started as a collector, or just want to get in the Halloween spirit, you are in luck! Several antique shops in Happy Valley, PA offer a variety of the niche collectibles, along with otherwise creepy finds, so you can celebrate the spooky season in style.

people holding pumpkin


Welcome to Happy Valley, PA! Get off campus for fall-themed fun and more

Alumni will say there are a few things that every student must do while at Penn State: climb Mount Nittany; take a photo at the Nittany Lion Shrine; enjoy a scoop of or more at the famous Berkey Creamery; spend a sunny day at Whipple Dam; or stroll through the Arboretum. As the official tourism promotion agency for Centre County, The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau (HVAB) has plenty of inspiration for ways to enjoy the beautiful valleys and unique communities that comprise our big Happy Valley. Start by adding fall fun to your list at some of the county’s most popular farms and farm markets.

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at HappyValley.com/events