Celebrate Carnival-Style With HavanaFest This August
On August 27, experience the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of Miami’s Carnival right here in Happy Valley with HavanaFest.
“It is a street festival with two bands, a DJ, Caribbean dancers, a full traditional Cuban meal, Cuban coffee, beer and wine. You can even learn to roll your own cigar in a very laid back atmosphere,” Tony Ghaffari, owner of Your Cigar Den, and organizer of HavanaFest, said.

He said that the event is a block party styled after Miami’s Carnival, a favorite event that he attends every year. “I wanted to bring this kind of event to State College,” he said. “HavanaFest showcases Latin — and specifically Caribbean — party style. The Caribbean mood is very laid back, and HavanaFest will reflect that — you hang out and literally eat, drink and be merry while being entertained with live music and dancers.”
“Typically anything Latin or Hispanic has sights and sounds and smells and tastes that overwhelm the senses," Ghaffari said. "HavanaFest was like that when it was first held in Happy Valley in 2019, and will be even more of a great experience this year.”
Ghaffari said he’s seen some increase in Latin influence since he came to State College 22 years ago. "You didn't hear anybody speaking Spanish and the only Latin food we had was Taco Bell," he said. Today, he says that the scene has “absolutely” changed. “Just look at Juana’s authentic Venezuelan and Lupita’s authentic Mexican restaurants. They are the real deal.”

He calls HavanaFest a “gateway party” to experiencing the vibrancy of a Caribbean/Hispanic event that features sights and sounds and smells and tastes that overwhelm the senses.
The event will be held from 1-6 p.m. on Saturday, August 27 in the MLK Plaza and Fraser Street between Calder Way and the Fraser parking deck. Tickets are $50 per person, and include the experience of arts and crafts, live music and DJ, dancers, a full Cuban meal, wine, beer, a bag full of swag items, raffles every 20 minutes, and rolling your own cigar. For more information, and to purchase your tickets, go to havanafestpa.com.