The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau Celebrates Blue Band's 125th Anniversary with Book Signing

– by Thomas Range II

On Sunday, September 29, 2024, The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau will host not one, not two, but three published Blue Band authors for a special Book Signing from 10 am to noon! Books will only be $20 plus all items in the newly restocked The Happy Valley Store will be 12.5% off during the signing in celebration of the Blue Band’s 125th anniversary!


The Happy Valley Store, located in downtown State College at 204 Beaver Ave, will be open from 10 am to 3 pm but the three authors, Lori Bowers Uhazi, Lew Lazarow and Thomas E. Range II, will only be there from 10 am to noon.

Lori Bower Uhazi was the Blue Sapphire (and the only person known as the Star Sapphire) of the Blue Band from 1978 to 1981. She met her husband David while in the Blue Band and they have two children, Patrick and Doug, who were also in the Blue Band. Bowers Uhazie wrote the children’s book, Nittany and Me. The book is based on a child and her dog as they travel around Happy Valley and the Penn State University Campus.

Lori Nittanyand Me

Lew Lazarow was a mellophone player in the Blue Band for the 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993 seasons. Lazarow is currently the Director of the All-Sports Museum and co-wrote the book, Images of America: Penn State Blue Band. The book chronicles the rich history of the Blue Band from its humble beginnings in 1899 up to the 2020’s.

Blue Band Book

Thomas E. Range II was a sousaphone player in the Blue Band for the 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988 seasons. While in the Blue Band, Range held the positions of Assistant Manager, Manager, Head Manager and President of the Blue Band. He served as President of the Alumni Blue Band Association and was a member of the Penn State Alumni Association Alumni Council for nine years. He co-wrote the Image of America: Penn State Blue Band book with Lazarow and wrote the Postcard History Series: Penn State University book using postcards from his father’s postcard collection.


All three authors will be on-hand to sign books and talk about the Blue Band as well as Penn State history from 10 am to noon on September 29, 2024.

Make plans to stop by!

Though for football games, parking garages downtown post Event Parking rates, The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau will offer free parking at the Fraser Street and Beaver Avenue garages on that Sunday with store purchases. The Adventure Bureau is located underneath the Beaver Avenue Garage across from the Hyatt Hotel and the downtown Target. Just Take a parking ticket, and the Adventure Bureau will give you a validation ticket to pay for your parking.


The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at