Fort Roberdeau
Fort Roberdeau provides a revolutionary experience as a National Historic Site and conservation area with park grounds where educational and recreational opportunities abound.

Fort Roberdeau served as a lead mine fort during the American Revolutionary War to protect a lead mining and smelting operation on the Pennsylvania frontier. Blair County reconstructed the fort as its Bicentennial project in 1976.
The Fort gates and gift shop open for tours May 1-October 31. Fort Tour Hours: Monday‑Saturday 10 am –4 pm; Sunday 1‑4 pm. The park grounds are open 8 am ‑ Sunset throughout the year. This area features walking trails with great views and plentiful bird & wildlife watching.
This summer, come out for the Star Spangled 4th on July 4 and celebrate with activities for all ages. On August 12-13, become immersed in camp life along with rangers, militia, miners and settlers on Revolutionary War Days. On October 28, the fort will honor all veterans with a recognition program. View all the program offerings on and at