The Shaver’s Creek 2022 Birding Cup - May 6-7, 2022

– by Edward Stoddard

Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center's annual fundraiser, the Birding Cup brings birders of all skill levels together to identify as many species as possible in 24 hours. Whether competing locally in central Pennsylvania or joining the fun as part of the noncompetitive global birding community, the funds raised by birders have supported important projects in the region for a quarter of a century. Birding will occur in 2022 from May 6 at 7:00 p.m. (ET) until May 7 at 7:00 p.m. (ET).

Find out more at:

Birding Cup2022 Square

Fundraising Campaign

This year, Shaver’s Creek is continuing to invest in the newly named Klingsberg Aviary. Final touches to the aviary — such as native landscaping, visitor seating, accessible pathways, educational program space, and visual screening for the comfort of smaller raptors — will improve the experience for visitors and the animals that call it home. Already a site already enjoyed by tens of thousands of annual visitors and renowned in the animal care field, these modifications will further entrench the Klingsberg Aviary’s reputation as a national model.


Official Birding Cup Home:
Includes thorough explanations of rules, registration, historical context and previous winners, past fundraising projects, and more.

Birding Cup Giving Page:
Showcases 2022 teams and global birders, tracks fundraising, accepts donations.

Proper Birding Ethics:
Details proper birding behavior that all Birding Cup participants should follow.

Global Birding Community

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Birding Cup was extended to our Global Community in a non-competitive way so participants could work together across the Earth to tally as many species as possible. Whether competing locally or just for fun around the globe, everyone should, at the minimum, adhere to local COVID-19 safety protocols as well as practice proper birding ethics.

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at