Cara Aungst

Cara Aungst

Fun Guide Managing Editor

131 articles

DSC 2357 Festival of the Arts

2023 Happy Valley Outdoor Guide

Get outside with summer festivals!

Throughout the year, Happy Valley is full of great things to do, whether you are looking for live music, sporting events, outdoor recreation, festivals, or just a night out with friends. Save the date for these iconic outdoor festivals that we are looking forward to in 2023.

Hawk Watch

Live, Work, Play in Happy Valley

“The juxtaposition is so interesting” Palmer Museum’s Sarah Anne Wharton on the best-of-both-worlds Happy Valley scene

After Sarah Anne Wharton graduated from Juniata College, she launched to Maine, New Mexico and Brooklyn, New York, never expecting to land back in Central Pennsylvania. Today, she proudly calls herself a Happy Valley local. She’s a champion for the area’s unique mix of outdoor adventure, vibrant research and — as communications specialist for the Palmer Museum of Art — art for everyone.

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at