The Art of Dreaming
June, July & August 2022
First Sunday Opening Receptions
June 5, July 3 and August 7
From 12:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Food trucks will be on-site and museum visitors will receive $5.00 off any purchase.

BAM is teaming up with The Makery this June, July & August for our themed summer program “The Art of Dreaming”. We all know dreams as the images, thoughts or feelings that occur during sleep. We all have them, but the experience is different for each of us. This summer, the museum will provide special activities and art works throughout several galleries to enhance your thoughts and feelings about dreams.
The Special Exhibition Gallery will present several explanations of dreaming from diverse cultures and times. The abstracts of dream information will be shown amid surreal art works created by select registry artists.

Additional dream activities include dream boards, dream journals, dream catchers, and a timeless childhood daydream gallery filled with whimsical and magical tree forts.
Everyone is invited and all activities are FREE!
Museum Hours: Fri., Sat. & Sun. 12:00 - 4:30 p.m. (814) 355-4280 and by appointment