
395 articles

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The Pennsylvania Chamber Orchestra presents Resilience

The Pennsylvania Chamber Orchestra's annual family concert comes to Central Pennsylvania Saturday, March 25, 2023. This concert is created for families, children, and the young at heart. This year’s program focuses on storytelling through music. Join guest conductor, Timothy Farrand, as he guides you through the stories of Lully, Debussy, Honneger, and Ravel. Thanks to our generous sponsors, this concert is free for all to attend!


46 hours straight – THON raises $15 million record

More than 700 dancers (students committed to standing the full 46 hours for their organizations) stood, moved and danced throughout the weekend for the fight against pediatric cancer. THON was held Friday, February 17, 2023 starting at 6 p.m. and raised an astounding total of $15,006,132.46, surpassing THON 2022’s total by $1,249,757.90.

Van Dance Inc

VanDance Inc. Announces Dance Masterclasses

State College, PA – State College’s own professional dance company​, VanDance Inc., today announced the kickoff of its monthly series entitled Dance Masterclass Saturdays to feature instructors with extensive professional performing-choreographic-teaching experience in a wide array of dance styles. All classes are open to the public, for ages 13 and up, and open-level, but some dance training, or advanced-beginner ability, is recommended.

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This Week at 3 Dots

Come on out to 3 Dots this week for a Black History celebration this Friday, February 24th! Interested in more events happening this spring? Read on.

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at