First Night State College will once again provide central Pennsylvania with a great way to mark the passing of the old year and the ringing in of the New Year. This alcohol-free community celebration of the visual and performing arts will take place in downtown State College on December 31, 2022.
Shopping for holiday gifts? Come to the Palmer Museum store! Holiday merchandise is 50% off and increasing to 75% off on Tuesday, December 13! Also, check out the soon-to-close exhibits, Looking at Who We Are: The Palmer at Fifty and The Art of Remembering: A Selection of Gifts, before December 18!
This year's Winter Market is brought to you by Downtown Bellefonte Inc and will feature over 70 makers and craftspeople from around the region. The event will be held on Sunday, December 11, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Talleyrand Park in Bellefonte, at the tail end of the community’s popular Bellefonte Victorian Christmas event.