For the last four years, Millheim has been organizing events that highlight the arts and music. This year, the organizing folks of the Valley Community Business Alliance (VCBA) are kicking off the Route 45 Getaways event that runs from July 26th to August 4th with events focused on the first weekend on July 27th and 28th in Millheim during their SummerFest.
What are the best birding areas in Happy Valley? This would have been a tough question to definitively answer a decade ago, but with the advent of Cornell University’s eBird, the process is simple. EBird keeps track of all submitted checklists and compiles the results by state, county, and local hotspots.
One thing that I love about Pennsylvania is its wealth of public hunting grounds. Happy Valley and the surrounding area have more than their fair share of the public land pie. Public land open to hunting includes state game lands that are managed by the Pennsylvania Game Commission, and state forest lands, which are operated by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR). DCNR also handles state parks, many of which are also open to hunting.