State College

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Highlighting the ‘happy’ in Downtown State College

They don't call it Happy Valley for nothing! As a hyperlocal content creator/influencer who loves sharing all things State College, Penn State, and Happy Valley, I'm always excited to introduce people to the vibrant community I call home. With its charming streets, unique shops, and diverse dining scene, there's something for everyone in Downtown State College. You don't have to be a college student to love Downtown State College. Here are 10 things to enjoy on your next visit!


Exclusive, Limited-Edition Commemorative Variant Comic Cover at The Happy Valley Comic & Collectibles Convention

The Happy Valley Comics & Collectibles Convention, happening March 1-2, 2025, at Nittany Valley Sports Centre in State College, Pennsylvania, is your gateway to an unforgettable experience in the world of comics and collectibles. This year’s event features an exclusive, limited-edition commemorative variant comic cover—an essential find for collectors and enthusiasts alike. Variant covers, prized for their unique artwork and scarcity, add a distinctive flair to any comic collection.

Chrsitmas Concert2

The Pennsylvania Chamber Orchestra presents its annual Holiday Concert in State College

Join the Pennsylvania Chamber Orchestra and Maestro Gerardo Edelstein for our annual Holiday Concert and celebrate sounds of the holiday season! Experience a dramatic retelling of the Christmas story with the majestic Christmas Oratorio by Camille Saint-Saëns, featuring the State College Area High School Master Singers. Enjoy the familiar sounds of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Suite and sing along with Handel’s Hallelujah from Messiah, featuring a collaboration with State College Advanced String Orchestra students. Join us for a concert that will fuel your holiday spirit!

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at