Media - Corporate News
A recent Centre Daily Times article referenced movies produced in Pennsylvania in 2023. Our state is of course no stranger to the film industry, with many recognizable motion pictures made in the Commonwealth over the years. During my time with the Pennsylvania Office of Tourism, Film and Economic Development marketing, more than 30 major motion pictures were filmed in Pennsylvania. Prior to that, blockbuster movies such as 1985’s “Witness” helped make already well-known Lancaster County the extremely popular tourist destination it is today.
2024 Happy Valley Inspiration Guide
From the beautiful Victorian homes to the sites enshrined in the National Register of Historic Places, nearly everywhere you turn in Bellefonte, you can see traces of the rich history of our community. Local Historia, a group with a “passion for local history, community, and preservation,” is a terrific source for finding out more about this history, and one of their most important recent projects is their tour, “The Underground Railroad in Bellefonte, PA.”
2024 Happy Valley Inspiration Guide
If you love the thrill and challenge of mountain biking, you know that when bikers discuss the best places to test their skills, the mountain ridges that surround Happy Valley are often mentioned. This area has become a premier East Coast destination for mountain bikers of all skill levels, who are drawn to the hundreds of miles of trails (290 miles in Rothrock State Forest alone) it has to offer.