
399 articles

Geisinger Champions Club Suite 506 Outside 2

Head Back to the Ballpark with the Spikes!

The State College Spikes jumped back into action this summer, once again providing Happy Valley with fun, affordable family entertainment as future major league stars played in the inaugural season of the Major League Baseball Draft League.

Ghosts and goblins

Lincoln Caverns 38th Annual Ghosts and Goblins 2021

Pennsylvania's Ultimate Haunted Experience

Experience triple terror and triple fun during Fridays and Saturdays in October with Lincoln Caverns Ghosts and Goblins tour. Get the scare of your life with haunted caves, trails and hayride.

Mary Szmolko Antique Festival2021

Make the Most of Your Happy Valley Weekend

Heading into Happy Valley for a football weekend? Make the most of your time in the area by not only cheering on your Nittany Lions, but also checking out some of the historic spots around the region.

UWC 1 Copy

New Favorites for Authentically-Local Spots for Shopping and Dining

Strong Community Support Helped Local Businesses Survive Pandemic, Now They’re Ready for Visitors

The best traveling experiences are often made in spots locals love the most. Local love means a lot to these businesses who started up not long before the pandemic. Their dedication and creativity through that tough time made them fast favorites in Happy Valley. Make sure to add them to your list.


A True Homecoming For Penn State

Penn State Homecoming is excited to once again safety celebrate with students, alumni, faculty and staff across the Penn State community.

Pine Grove Hall music 2

Reserve Your Seat at Big City Music Venue in Small Town Happy Valley

There’s something about the experience at Pine Grove Hall.

It could be the ambiance of the space, in a tastefully restored building that’s a nod to the heritage of the community it calls home, Pine Grove Mills. Inside, the decor is perfectly curated to transport visitors back to another era.


Hublersburg Inn

A local favorite since 1827, the Hublersburg Inn serves spirited American cuisine in a unique, historic atmosphere. Since purchasing the Inn in 2007, Andi Heidt and her staff have transformed this local “watering hole” into one of the best destination restaurants in the Centre Region.

Discovery Space

Family Events Planned at DISCOVERY SPACE

Check out our STEM-themed birthday parties for kids. New themes coming soon! Throwing a big party for kids or adults? We can have hands-on activities for your guests young and old and a space for your caterer too!

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at