Penn State

90 articles


46 hours straight – THON raises $15 million record

More than 700 dancers (students committed to standing the full 46 hours for their organizations) stood, moved and danced throughout the weekend for the fight against pediatric cancer. THON was held Friday, February 17, 2023 starting at 6 p.m. and raised an astounding total of $15,006,132.46, surpassing THON 2022’s total by $1,249,757.90.

Abdullah Family Christmas Pic 2023

Gary Abdullah Jr. on making Happy Valley happy for everyone: “You can do well here. You can do good.”

Gary Abdullah Jr. was born in the shadow of Beaver Stadium, went to State High, and married his childhood crush who lived down the street … but he never intended to stay in Happy Valley. Today, he will tell you that he has made Happy Valley his place — and it’s his life’s work to make it a place for everyone. Because in his words, “Happy Valley isn’t happy for everyone.” And he wants to change that.

Shannon Stover_7

Checking off my Penn State bucket list

I’ve been an avid Penn Stater all my life, so when I became a student, I had a bucket list as long as my arm. In the last four years, I’ve gotten to check a lot off of that list, but there was still so much to do.

Mike Lynch Vista

Hiking Mount Nittany

My wife (Karen) and I are reaching our late-60s, but we’re thankful that our abilities and health still allow us to hike all but the longest and most treacherous trails. We recently visited Centre County, which has some of the best hiking trails for every skill set. Some pathways lead through flat marshes and fields, where visitors may view a wide variety of flora and fauna. Others lead up and down steep mountains, covered with lush forestation.

Penn State flag and crowd

What to Expect for Homecoming Week 2022:

It’s Homecoming week, and there are festivities from Monday, October 17 until kickoff on Saturday. From Allen Street Jam to Best of Penn State (BOPS) Homecoming Carnival, you don’t want to miss the fun. Here’s what is in store!

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at