
78 articles

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Are YOU ready for Pennsylvania Day 2023?

July 20th is National Pennsylvania Day, and for the last two years, America250PA has partnered with Natural Food Group in support of Feeding Pennsylvania to staff food banks across the Commonwealth. Thus far, with the help of several EPIC volunteers, America250PA has packaged over 17,000 boxes of food, prepared 958 meals, sorted over 9,000 lbs of produce & frozen food, and filled over 400 volunteer shifts.

Murphy Headshot

Nest Alchemy: Art & Science Intertwined at 3 Dots

Join us this Thursday evening (April 13, 5-7pm) at 3 Dots to celebrate the opening of our latest exhibit – Nest Alchemy. The event will include a cocktail reception and a panel discussion of “Seven Simple Actions to Save Birds”, an initiative designed to help make our urban world more hospitable to bird life.

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Happy Valley has a piece of history for every interest

Happy Valley is brimming with history — rich stories of daring do, enterprise, heartbreak, victory, mystery, intrigue, and adventure. There is truly something to suit every sort of historical interest and taste, right here in our own backyard.

Downtown State College Black History Month 1

Celebrating Black History Month in Happy Valley

Happy Valley has an abundance of history with African-American Civil Leadership, from Fredrick Douglas speaking in Bellefonte at Reynolds Hall in 1872, to Martin Luther King Jr. speaking at Recreation Hall in 1965.

Join the Downtown State College Improvement District in the observation and celebration of Black History Month. A plethora of events and resources are available to inform, educate, and inspire State College residents and visitors alike throughout the month of February.

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Checking off my Penn State bucket list

I’ve been an avid Penn Stater all my life, so when I became a student, I had a bucket list as long as my arm. In the last four years, I’ve gotten to check a lot off of that list, but there was still so much to do.


Local Historia Makes Connecting with History Easy

Maris operates Local Historia along with partner (and fellow school teacher ) Dustin Elder. Local Historia is an educational platform that focuses on “engaging content, walking tours, and other unique experiences,” including “History Pub” — an evening of cocktails and historical conversation at Big Springs Spirits, and an annual “Spooky Speakeasy,” with ghost stories at the Gamble Mill

The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at