An Outdoor Paradise Awaits in All Seasons
Outdoor opportunities are endless in the heart of central Pennsylvania. Hiking, biking, boating and more, there is an outdoor adventure around every corner.
Outdoor opportunities are endless in the heart of central Pennsylvania. Hiking, biking, boating and more, there is an outdoor adventure around every corner.
The summer is heating up, and that means it is time to enjoy a scoop or carton of delicious, farm fresh ice cream. In keeping with Happy Valley’s deep agricultural roots, there are plenty of places to cool off (or get your chill on) with this popular frozen treat straight from the farm.
Agriculture is deeply embedded in Centre County’s heritage, and signs of Happy Valley’s agricultural roots run deep in our picturesque valleys. There are plenty of ways to experience your own ‘Agventure.’
Philipsburg, PA is a quiet small town with historic charm and plenty of hidden gems worth checking out. So pack up the car and head “over the mountain” for an enjoyable visit to this Happy Valley community.
Whether you’re a longtime Centre County resident or a visitor stopping by for the first time, see more of beautiful Happy Valley with a unique way to explore some of the area’s most interesting spots: he new Happy Valley PA GeoTour. (GT4E2)
Saturday and Sunday, June 27 and 28, 2020, 9 AM – 5 PM each day. The 2020 celebration offers a weekend of special historic tours, programs, children’s activities and savings, plus a few new surprises everyone will enjoy! Portraying the roles of those significant in the discovery and history of the caverns, interpreters will offer a special historic tour of both Lincoln Caverns and Whisper Rocks. Tickets for adults and children will be offered for $9 in celebration of 90 years. Panning for gems is available for an additional charge. The one-hour historical tours leave from the visitors’ center approximately every half hour, rain or shine. No reservations are necessary to experience the splendor and beauty of Lincoln Caverns and Whisper Rocks, however tour size is limited, and are filled in the order tickets are sold. Masks are required in the Visitors Center and on the tour. As an added treat, ECHO THE BAT, Lincoln Caverns’ mascot, joins the family at Discovery Days, 12 – 3 PM both Saturday and Sunday, with photo ops and gifts for all our young visitors.
Central PA 4th Fest has celebrated our nation’s birthday in Centre County since 1927. In 2020, Central PA 4th Fest WILL BE celebrating Independence Day in Happy Valley, albeit a little bit differently.
Old churches dot the landscape in Happy Valley, their historical significance and beautiful architectural features beckon further exploration.
Local residents are the best brand ambassadors. So, when is the last time you explored your own backyard? This summer is a great time to rediscover Happy Valley by being a local tourist.
The Happy Valley Adventure Bureau publishes up-to-date event information at HappyValley.com/events