Food & Drink
Happy Valley, in the heart of central Pennsylvania, is home to the Berkey Creamery, Grilled Stickies and Ham Pot Pie at the Centre County Grange Fair...but the valley has a growing menu of authentic international cuisine available. Authentic Mexican, authentic Brazilian, authentic Venezualan, authentic Korean, authentic Chinese, the list goes on. Just pick the cuisine you’re craving or try something new!
ADVENTURE changes by person and moment by moment. Adventure can mean shopping, sports events, dining, attending a great conference, a great stay at a hotel or B&B, seeing a thrilling performance on stage or time by the campfire relaxing along the trail. ADVENTURE is personal. ADVENTURE happens in #HappyValleyPA.
Media - Corporate News
Lisa Rager of Visit Johnstown speaks on behalf of Pennsylvania’s destination marketing organizations to the Pennsylvania House Tourism Committee